Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Odyssey

Last year in drama we did The Odyssey. at first it seemed like it was going to be boring but then we read into it and it just seems extremely confusing.. but as we started rehearsing a bit more and getting to know it better i found it extremely interesting and even after seeing it about a million times i never got bored of the story. I played fate 2 at first i only auditioned for that part because i didn't want to have heaps of different characters like everyone else had to but i ended up really enjoying them as they were so powerful and influential to the other characters and we got to wear cool makeup and knit.LOLZ.. my favorite part of the story is either the scene with the cyclops probably just because of the way Jack made it so funny and the lighting was cool or t he scene is hades where Odysseus is looking for someone and talks to his mum and is getting chased by the shades and we got to yell at them and the ligting was blue and we had music going. This lil post isnt actually about classics to much just havin a chatr with myself but thass cool its somewhat related

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